SNP must listen to business and drop plan to devolve immigration The Scottish Conservatives are calling on the Scottish Government to listen to business opposition to devolving immigration and drop the pol
By-election triumph in Brown’s back yard proves Labour are a ‘busted flush’ A Scottish Conservative victory in a Fife council by-election in Gordon Brown’s home patch proves Labour are a busted flush, the party have
Pilot scheme for Seasonal Agricultural Workers Scheme “a positive step in the right direction” Angus MP Kirstene Hair has welcomed an announcement of a pilot scheme to allow fruit and vegetable farmers to hire workers from outwith the
Tax shock for SNP as high earners bring in £550m less than thought The SNP government has been urged to rethink its high-tax agenda – after new figures revealed receipts from high earners last year were £550
‘Cowardly’ Leonard must explain failure to stand up for Jewish community Richard Leonard must explain his “cowardly” behaviour after he refused to back a bid aimed at eradicating anti-semitism from his party.
‘Hangover’ Programme for Government from a First Minister ‘running out of time’ Nicola Sturgeon’s Programme for Government has been described as a “hangover” from an SNP government which is “running out of time” to deliv
Victims an afterthought in the SNP Programme for Government The Scottish Conservatives have attacked the new measures for victims announced in the SNP’s Programme for Government today as falling far s
Finn’s law to be introduced in Scotland Finn’s Law will be introduced in Scotland by the end of this Parliament, the SNP has confirmed in the Programme for Government today.
Only half of Scots satisfied with local public services Public satisfaction with Scotland’s three main public services; local health services, local schools and public transport is at an all-time
Scotland’s NHS short of thousands of nurses and midwives Vacancy levels in nursing and midwifery have hit a record high, leaving Scotland’s NHS short of thousands of key workers.