At the recent Environment Development and infrastructure meeting I had the opportunity to raise many important concerns about my ward's infrastructure challenges. I spoke to Argyll and Bute council's roads management about the condition of some of the cemeteries with problems ranging from uncut grass and flooding to rabbit and hare infestation problems.
Despite the funding challenges facing our council it's great to see some much needed investment coming into our local areas. The planned capital roads programme for 2020/21 includes an allocation of just over £1.73m for Mid Argyll, Kintyre and the Islands. The program will focus on a mix of carriageway resurfacing schemes that deliver the best value for money. It does not simply concentrate on roads in the worst condition, but also treats roads at an earlier stage to prevent them deteriorating further.
These works will include;
£120,000 to Pre SD & Surface Dress at Ballygrant to Emeraconart.
£160,000 to Pre SD & Surface Dress at Laphroaig to Ardbeg.
£185,000 to Pre SD & Surface Dress at Bridgend - Bowmore.
£72,000 to Regulate and overlay at Portnahaven.
£40,000 for Patching + Overlay for future at Feolin.
£130,000 for works on the B879 to Carradale
While these planned works will not alleviate all of the problems relating to my ward's infrastructure it's certainly a step in the correct direction. Work to re-align the junction at Barmore and Garvel Roads in Tarbert, funded through the council’s £3million Tarbert and Lochgilphead Regeneration Fund, is now complete.
These improvements have made it easier for vehicles to enter and exit Garvel Road in all directions, while also improving visibility and safety at the junction. As a result, in February, Tarbert Harbour Authority was able to start work on its proposals to construct a new car park, with a further £105,000 regeneration funding.
This complements previous work undertaken as part of the Tarbert and Lochgilphead Regeneration Fund, when the council allocated £125,000 to Tarbert Harbour Authority for their improvements to shore side facilities at Tarbert Harbour, including the conversion of the former wash house and laundry block into an office and chandlery. In early 2019 Tarbert Harbour Authority built a brand new wash house and laundry block with funding from the Coastal Communities Fund.
Future proofing our rural economy to any upcoming challenges is essential. That is why this investment in my ward's infrastructure is as welcome as it is long over due.
Cllr Alastair Redman