Despite demand for council services continuing to exceed allocated funds the budget we set today supports our young people and economic growth. We have protected key support services for young people. We are investing millions of pounds to help keep our road network open for business.
Our geography means we deliver some services most other councils do not, and all our services tend to cost more to deliver. At the same time Argyll and Bute received a higher than average cut to our funding.
Argyll and Bute has agreed to invest in the following;
Agreed: Additional £2.4 million investment in roads, crucial to community well being and economic growth
Agreed: Additional £500,000 investment in roads maintenance particularly gully cleaning and drainage works
Agreed: Additional £400,000 in developing remote learning through digital learning opportunities
Agreed: £30,000 for Argyll and the Isles Tourism Cooperative (AITC)
Argyll and Bute council has also agreed to reject a number of proposed sailings, these include;
Rejected: proposal to end swimming pool subsidies for Islay, Jura and Mid-Argyll
Rejected: proposal to remove school crossing patrollers
Rejected: proposal to reduce the Educational Psychology Service
Rejected: proposal to remove pupil support assistant hours
Rejected: proposal to reduce advice services staff (welfare rights)
Rejected: proposal to increase parking charges
Rejected: proposal to close up to 25 public conveniences; agreed - charging for public toilets and making 10 low-use toilets available for community transfer, lease or sale.
Rejected: proposal to end grants to the Third Sector; funding to continue with reductions in the next two years.
Council tax will be increased by 4.5% seeing a Band D increase from £1,308.83 to £1,367.73.
I will continue to fight relentlessly for a better deal for the Kintyre and Islands ward.
Cllr Alastair Redman