The re-tendering process for the Helensburgh Waterfront Project continues, with the start of construction work on site from late April next year. It is a real shame that both planning and tendering issues have delayed this project and that the facility will not now be open till May 2022.
This is a real flagship project for the council and everyone is keen to make it the best we can.
The only benefit of these delays is that officers can work up the proposals to spend the additional £85k awarded for improving pedestrian access to the wooden pier, which was identified in a recent report. The engineering inspection on the pier also highlighted the considerable costs in doing more extensive works, which were estimated to be in excess of £850,000.
Work on the Closed Crossing on the road to Hermitage Academy, which has been shut for months should see a quicker resolution.
I have raised this issue with the council officers. Under EU procurement rules, the council needs to formally tender for these replacement lights, along with other similar work. This has taken longer than expected but it is hoped that a contractor can be appointed in the next few weeks.
Cllr Gary Mulvaney