It was great to speak to local residents and business owners during my latest visit to South Knapdale and at my surgery in Kilberry.
I have heard once again about the need to repair the road to Kilberry and was told numerous times that while short term pothole repairs are better than nothing, in the long run they end up costing our roads department more than fixing the road surface properly in the first place.
These local road problems are exasperated by many sections of the road being regularly flooded, vegetation growing on to the road edges and numerous obstructions caused by falling tree branches.
Local mobile phone signal is getting better and recent progress in expanding network coverage has been welcomed, although a lot more needs to be done
Internet speed still remains slow in many areas in South Knapdale with lots of people having to pay for expensive satellite internet services.
I have and will continue to raise all these matters and more with the appropriate departments and keep fighting relentlessly to fix these problems and get a better deal for my council ward.
Cllr Alastair Redman - Kintyre and the Islands ward