I have been busy fighting hard for my constituents while attending council meetings and campaigning with fellow Conservative councillors and activists across Argyll over the past few days.
At the latest Mid Argyll, Kintyre and Islands (MAKI) meeting I stated that a large number of my younger constituents have been contacting me in regards to the availability of housing. While a greater number of affordable rental accommodation is more than welcome a larger amount of affordable housing to purchase needs to built across Argyll.
I was also very happy at a recent meeting with my fellow Conservative Councillors to discuss the huge importance of having a more streamlined planning service that helps rather than hinders our economic strength across Argyll and Bute.
An effective planning system plays an important role in supporting growth – promoting and enabling the homes, jobs and facilities that communities need, creating a more competitive local economy and minimising uncertainty and delay for those proposing or affected by development.
We in Argyll are seeing a tremendous increase in our industrial output and we as a council must not place barriers in the way of future growth in this area.
While out putting Ruth Davidson's no to Indyfer2 leaflet my fellow Conservatives and I have been hearing constantly from Argyll residents that they are sick and tired of the SNP's divisive grievance stocking with their obsession with having a second referendum.
I will continue to work hard for every corner of the Kintyre and the Islands ward while campaigning to keep Scotland in our United Kingdom.
Cllr Alastair Redman