Bill Hanbury, Chairman of Argyll & Bute Scottish Conservative & Unionist Association, launching today his Association's new website, issued the following statement:
"It’s with great pleasure that I welcome you to our new website, which has been designed with you the reader very much in mind.
"We wanted to make it easier for people to see what we do, who we are, and what we stand for; and we were keen to make the site as accessible and readable as possible.
"When we add content, we will take into account the fact that we have a mix of readers - many are members of our Association or are members of the Party by some other route, some are merely visiting the site to check a fact, and then there are those who have chanced upon our site whilst looking for something else entirely. That's the nature of the Internet.
"We hope that, whoever you are and by whatever means you end up viewing these pages, you'll find something of interest, and that, even if you haven’t been a regular visitor here in the past, you'll find it worthwhile to return from time to time in the future.
"We aim to bring you the latest news, campaigns, and photographs from Argyll & Bute, and, over the coming weeks and months, we'll be adding more features which we think you'll find useful.
"With every step that we take, we’ll be keen to have your feedback, so I encourage you to contact us with your thoughts, suggestions, and comments.
"The new website coincides with a time of crucial importance for the future of the United Kingdom. Like many other people who live in this wonderful constituency, I am immensely proud to be both Scottish and British, and I have no wish to relinquish either of these respected nationalities.
"By lending us your support at this stage, we can work together to settle once and for all the question of whether the people of Scotland really do want to break away from the rest of the United Kingdom, with all the disruption, costs, and loss of international standing which such a move would entail.
"To help you stay in touch, you can sign up for our newsletter. It’s a simple matter of entering your e-mail address in the little form which appears on the right-hand side of our homepage.
"I hope that you'll find lots here to interest you, and that, if you live in Argyll & Bute and are not already a member of our Association, you'll give serious consideration to joining us.
"Do drop in from time to time".